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Nos services:

Formations personnalisées en Anglais.

Our services:

Tailored French language courses.

________ En formation professionnelle
________ En cours particuliers

________ With a friendly and relaxed method
________ For holidaymakers & professionals

If you want to learn to speak French, Come Together is the answer. Would you like to complement your existing interest in the unique French lifestyle, enhance your job opportunities or simply improve your speaking skills when travelling? If so, Come Together offers a French language learning solution with a friendly and effective learning method and a full range of French second language courses.
- Practice and every day experiences.
- Complementary use of quality learning software.
- Regular actual telephone conversations.
- Remote correspondence using e-mail and chat.

Interprétariat technique et commercial.
________ Transactions internationales
________ Projets immobiliers
________ Chantiers

Technical and commercial interpretation.
________ International transactions
________ real-estate projects
________ Construction sites

Traductions en Anglais et Français.
________ Documents professionnels
________ Sites Internet

French and English translations.
________ Business documents
________ Internet sites

Services aux nouveaux arrivants.
________ Conseil pour les anglophones
________ Réceptif et coordination


Newcomers' residential services.
________ Settling-in paperwork management
________ Rental & property management


Come Together - Mr. Thierry Pelloux ; Directeur
144, Avenue Ronsard • 83370 Saint-Aygulf • France
+33(0) e-mail